Fly Fishing  - Fisherman

Jim Ciccarelli

Coach Jim is an avid fly fisherman and outdoor enthusiast. He grew up fishing in Central Pennsylvania with his father and friends. He started fly fishing and tying flies at the age of 12. Jim received a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Shippensburg University. Since moving to Colorado in 2008 he has explored most of its rivers and has hiked to many of its high mountain lakes in search of trout. When he is not rafting around Colorado or neighboring states, you can find him enjoying time with his 13 year old son, his family and friends, or playing songs on his guitar. He currently manages Shredder Ski’s Central Park location and co-manages Shredder Fly Fishing. He looks forward to sharing his knowledge and passion for fly fishing with you and your kids!

Aaron Allen

Coach Aaron has been fishing in Colorado for over 25 years. He started fly fishing at the age of 17 and hasn’t looked back since. An active hobbyist, he enjoys fishing, golfing, snowboarding and all that Colorado has to offer. Prior to Shredder Fly Fishing and Shredder Ski Central Park, Aaron worked for 15 years in the human services field, supporting individuals with disabilities. With a background in education and a passion for teaching, he aspires to share his skills and knowledge, to help you and your kids and your family benefit from all that fly fishing has to offer.


Will Parsons

Coach Will has been fly fishing his entire life, thanks to both his parents and both sets of grandparents. Born in New Mexico and raised in Maui, he moved to Colorado in 1999 and become avid outdoorsman, teaching himself mountaineering, rock and ice climbing, and snowboarding (at a semi-professional X-Games level!). He is currently a Shredder Ski director, and all the while maintains a small urban zoo with his wife--home to seven chickens, three frogs, two dogs, one snake, an ill-behaved cat and plenty of fish. All his outdoor (and animal management) skills have prepared him to work patiently with kids and adults teaching the sport he loves most.


Brooks Crosby

Founder of Shredder Ski; our fearless leader expanded the outdoor education program to include fly fishing in 2019.


Meghan Shaw

Coach Meghan has been fly fishing nearly five years, since meeting Jim and joining the Shredder team a few years ago. She has found a new pursuit with fly fishing, and continues to learn to navigate and row rivers. Meghan grew up in Colorado, only leaving long enough to complete an MA in museum studies. She maintains a small photography business and works with a non-profit photography gallery in Denver; she enjoys skiing and cycling, gardening, and dabbles in video editing. She brings a woman’s perspective to the Shredder Fly Fishing team and encourages girls and women give fly fishing a try.